Is Means Is
Third Sunday after Epiphany: Gospel, Mark 1:14-20
Mark 1:14-20
The discussions regarding the meaning of words and their usage is ongoing in every age. And for the Christian that holds true as it does for any other group or gathering of souls. Today’s gospel reading is probably best known for the challenge the Lord Jesus gives to his first disciples-that of becoming “fishers of men.” Even in that oft-quoted phrase there is much to consider. But I want to briefly zero in on the text in its first words. This will not be extensive but only seeks to shine a bit of light on Jesus stunning words:
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:15
Christians by and large are forward looking people and that is wholly good and right. We are a people of hope with a heavenly and eternal trajectory the goal of which is beyond the abilities of our feeble human reason to grasp. But because we are forward looking sometimes we forget the power of present reality. And here our Lord makes it plain: “the time IS fulfilled, and the kingdom of God IS at hand.” Present. Now. REAL. So often we talk about fulfillment and kingdom pointing to the future only. Not true. Jesus uses “is” the way we do. Funny how such a tiny and seemingly easy word to interpret gets tossed about to mean things so foreign to it. Jesus is now fulfilling and reigning in ways we can only imagine. “But it sure doesn’t look like anything is under God’s control. Everything is falling apart!”
That’s so easy to declare. Instead read and ponder what Jesus here declares. Then realize that things are not falling apart. Rather, they are falling into place. And why? Because is means is.