In the Hot Seat

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost; Old Testament, Job 38:1-11

Job 38:1-11

As I read over the text for our Old Testament lesson this week I was struck by something. Just what would it be like to be questioned, better interrogated, by Yahweh? Now we know from His self-revelation in the Scriptures that His knowledge is exhaustive. The past fifty years have seen some pretty foolish ideas pass through the Christian community. Ideas that God is learning or growing in His knowledge. Or that God doesn’t actually know the end from the beginning. As I said: foolish. Could we all remember to simply let the Scripture speak? All of it?

Here God questions Job regarding his perspective on creation and the power of God? And before we sit in judgment on this dear and ancient brother of ours, just think what it would have been like to have the God of the Universe as the prosecuting attorney before the courts of heaven. Just a side note: we will all stand there someday. 

But our God could have simply wiped out this “questioner.” He could have given him the back of His hand and Job would have been less than dust. Yes, even in His questioning God is loving Job. He wants this dear old man of whom He has bragged to come to his senses. His sanctified senses. And tough questions are the means. Read on for the conclusion. It all comes together for Job and for God as Job grapples with the truth. The Truth who is asking the questions. God not only knows what to say, but He knows just the right questions to ask. Job and we are better for the answers.


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