In Spirit and Truth

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 23: Old Testament, Amos 5:6-7, 10-15                       

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15

Word and worship go together. And when the Word is not heard, whether or not deafness to it is intentional, worship will go “south” quickly. And if the Word of God is abandoned, which is the only way we can know the true character of the God we claim to worship, then worship will become farce. And because God is faithful, there will be a Word of correction. God loves us, yes. But He is absolutely committed to being worshiped, as Jesus taught the woman at the well, “in Spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

Israel in the 8th century B.C. was on the verge of forgetting that. It wasn’t bad enough that God’s people had what seemed an incurable rift due to sins of all sorts. But in addition to that, the renegade northern kingdom of Israel had counterfeit sites of worship. Never mind the specific instruction and proclamation of God as to the how and where of His worship. “We’ll do it in the most convenient way,” said the people of Israel. It cost them dearly.

As you read our Old Testament fare this week, take note how very passionate our God is about how we, His people, are to come to Him. And although many of us have the blessing of having a house of worship in our vicinity, we must never forget that we do not set the parameters of approaching the King. That’s His business. Word and worship go together.


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