I Can See Clearly Now

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany: Old Testament, Isaiah 6:1-8  

Isaiah 6:1-8

So back again to one of my very favorite texts, certainly from Isaiah if not the entire Bible. Not many careful readers of the scriptures will be unfamiliar with this text. But perhaps just a note for context. Isaiah has lost his king. And a friend. And so there is a large hole in the heart of the prophet. And at just that time the LORD lifts his servant to his presence. Most commentators believe God’s heavenly presence where Isaiah saw the King. What was the result?

Among other things, clarity. Clarity of vision. Can you think of anything that would put reality into more stark relief than seeing Yahweh (Jesus) on his throne? I cannot. The six-winged seraphim are there. The “burning ones,” for that is what their title means. The heavenly altar is there with its own fire, and one could speculate there may have been fire in the chest of Isaiah at the vision he was granted. But there is more.

Fire is “gifted” to Isaiah carried by the angels by means of the coals of the altar. Interesting reference perhaps to a “sacrament” of sorts. Carrying forgiveness of sins by physical element with the accompanying word spoken, “and your sin is purged.” The clarity has arrived. Isaiah has made his confession. He is guilty, guilty, guilty before the Holy One. Interesting the reference is to his mouth. James chapter three makes a similar judgment.

“Seeing” God as he is always brings clarity. And there is comfort to be had as well. But it is comfort born of His work for us. Then our eyes are opened. And we can see.


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