How We Think

Posted by Craig Britton on

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany: Epistle, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9  

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Paul launches into the next section of First Corinthians by calling out the fleshly nature of the young believers in Corinth. Here, the tag of fleshly is based on their immaturity. And immaturity can be expected for a season when a Christian is newly newborn. But where the marks of immaturity even carry a “cute” factor when a child still toddles, those same marks are simply unacceptable just a few years hence. Paul’s getting at that type of lingering carry-over in this instance.

Here it is manifested as rivalry. Here it is shown in divided allegiances that simply shouldn’t exist. Paul, Apollos, Christ. The issue here is that all we have comes from Christ. He is behind Paul, Apollos, Cephas and any other servant of Jesus. Including you and me. We are just servants in the Servant. And we all, no matter our individual callings and vocations, labor for the same result under the same Lord.

Care for the message. Care for its correct proclamation and application. But point to Jesus always and let people in on the joy you have in carrying the Savior to those who need Him. Put rivalry aside. Grow up in your thinking. Pray for fruit. Rejoice!


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