How He Sees Us

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 25: Old Testament, Jeremiah 31:7-9                         

Jeremiah 31:7-9

Virginity in our culture seems to always get a sneer or a sideways glance. What’s tragic is that today virginity isn’t held up as virtuous. And because of that, the reality has been fading away earlier and earlier in our young people’s lives. Add to that the general sexual chaos of the culture, and virginity falls even further down the list of priority. Odd subject?

Perhaps. Until you find God referring to His people as “Virgin Israel.” There’s something about virginity that stands out to God. And no, it is not that God is a prude and hates sex. Virginity, beyond the state of being one who has not had sexual intercourse, is the state of belonging to oneself. At least that is how I see it. Guarded? Yes. Kept? Certainly. But also watched over and guarded by another. In the family relationship, the parents most normally. But in the larger Bible sense alluded to here, by God Himself.

Jeremiah the prophet is speaking for the LORD in our passage today. He is reminding God’s people Israel of the constant and honestly “hard-to-believe” love that God has for His chosen. They were anything but pure in their history and practice. By this point they had racked up quite a reputation and their condition could have been tagged many ways. “Virginal” is not among them. But listen to the voice of God through the prophet in verses 3 and 4:

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O Virgin Israel!

Did you get that? Did you read and hear in your heart what God called His people? Virgin Israel? How can that be? Well there is only one way. God sees His people as just that: His people. He owns them. He has called them, cleansed them, purchased and kept them. Yes, Old Testament people, too. In and for the sake of Jesus, His Son they are beloved. And they are “virgin.”

It comes down to how He sees us. He always and only sees us through His grace and mercy. Aren’t you glad?


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