His Name is Branch

Posted by Craig Britton on

Advent 1: Old Testament, Jeremiah 33:14-16                         

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Recently a wonderful brother who is a scholar of the first rank wrote about Jesus the Messiah being referred to as “Branch.” He reminded us that the first Adam blew it around a tree. And so it is fitting that the last Adam is identified with a tree (branch) tagged with the name, “The LORD our righteousness.”

The figure of a righteous branch for the promised Messiah finds roots (no pun intended) in Jeremiah and other Old Testament prophets use the figure as well. The branch says Jeremiah will execute “judgment and righteousness in the earth” (v. 15). It will as part of grand promises made that this branch will bring fruitfulness to barren lands and good things to a land bereft of hope.

This is indeed fitting as we step into this blessed Advent season once again. The first coming of the promised Messiah is a great source of joy and blessing as His promised work also takes place on a tree. And the full fruits of that “tree-work” will be put on display most fully when He returns to establish his forever Kingdom in the new heavens and new earth which are as sure as the day in which we draw breath today.

Praise God for dear old Jeremiah who experienced plenty of heartache seeing the ways of his people. Praise God as we step into Advent together that he also heard the clear promises of a great Savior coming. And passed them on to us.

Blessed Advent!


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