Hick Town
Second Sunday after Epiphany: Gospel, John 1:45-51
John 1:45-51
This is a season of revelation. Our pastor reminded us of that yesterday during his children’s message. Christmas gets twelve days, he reminded us all. But Epiphany in the church calendar has several weeks. Some believers who operate completely outside any church calendar wouldn’t even take note. But those of us who labor under and love the rhythms of our annual walk with Jesus through His life really do pick up clues that help us to navigate this crazy world.
In our gospel this week we have a first meeting of Jesus with a prospective apostle. Nathanael’s first words regarding the rabbi he is about to encounter are not flattering. He mentions that, based on the “where” of His origin (and Nathanael only knows of His earthly origin at this point), He probably is no great shakes. “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nazareth. Out-of-the-way, inconsequential Nazareth. Just pick any wide spot in the road near where you live. Or perhaps you live in one of those wide spots. Those places known only as a fueling station or as a place with a convenience store or postal service point. That kind of place is Nazareth of old. And yet, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”
Hick towns are for … . Well, we won’t comment any further. I’ve met some pretty wonderful folks from places just like that. Perhaps you have, too. Jesus comments on Nathanael’s summation and says basically, “This is a guy who speaks the truth.” Interesting exchange.
So, during this season of revelation where the lights begin to shine around the Savior highlighting who He is and why He came, just remember He was thought to be a nobody from Hick Town. My, my. What we have to learn as we turn the pages of our church calendar in 2024.
Blessed Epiphany!