He Will Have His Way

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Ezekiel 17:22-24                             

Ezekiel 17:22-24

Not obscure, but neither familiar is our Old Testament reading for the week. And it is such a small piece of a much larger context. I would encourage you to go back and begin reading in verse 11. Zedekiah, youngest son of Josiah, had been “placed” in power in Judah under Nebuchadnezzar. Covenant was made and an oath taken by Zedekiah in the name of the LORD. Long story short, he broke the covenant and sought aid not in Yahweh his God, but in the strength of Egypt. Lots could be remembered about God’s warnings to not seek help there.

Here’s the point. God is always looking to His Son. Yes, even here centuries before His incarnation. God speaks through Ezekiel that the foolhardy efforts of this young vassal “king” will never gain what is hoped for. Babylon is working out God’s plan, unpleasant as it may be for His own people. But there is a day coming when the kingdom will be restored and it will not include only the people of Judah, but people from every nation. We live as part of that fulfillment and the best parts have not yet even been conceived in our puny hearts. God will have His way. It will be glorious. And central to it is His King, His Son, our Savior.


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