He Never Stops

Posted by Craig Britton on

Third Sunday of Easter: Gospel, John 21:1-14                      

John 21:1-14 

Just a short thought this morning on our gospel text for the week. It’s yet another visit from the resurrected Christ to some of His followers. Jesus famously meets with His weary fisherman/disciples who again are initially kept from recognizing their Master. But the rejoicing and the reunion continues after a miraculous catch of fish and a Savior-made breakfast on the beach.

As the incident concludes, John writes, ”This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead” (John 21:14). One of the wonders of the gospel of Jesus is that He is committed to us. And a major part of that commitment is His abiding presence. Earlier in John’s gospel He had promised that He and His Father would come to His friends, (cf. 14:23). And while that is pointing to the invisible reality of their presence with us, these few face-to-face encounters make them concrete for us who read centuries later. One issue is certain: Jesus wants to be with us. He died so that we could be together for eternity. How sublime.

He just can’t stay away.


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