He Doesn't Miss

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 27: Epistle, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18                   

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Every so often the readings land on a text that has a lot of heat associated with it. Even if there’s not as much light. At least currently. But the church is not a fledgling institution any longer and perhaps every New Testament text could be said to have seen some level of controversy over its right understanding. 

“Do you believe in the rapture?” You might hear that question posed, and especially when things are as dicey in the world as they seem to be right now. There is an end to all this, you know. And a few years ago a couple Christian brothers from another tradition published a lot of books and created an industry around the idea that Jesus will secretly and soon, sweep the church out of the world. WHOOOOOOP! We will all be gone and the those that remain, that are in effect “left behind” will scratch their heads. Unless they read those books.

Not poking fun. Really. I came from that tradition and I understand it well and respect many who hold the positions I have left behind. Excuse the pun. Honestly, though our reading today does force us to look at the reality that there will be a day when Jesus bursts the heavens and returns for his people. He has promised that to us, and the men dressed in white at Jesus’ ascension told us to expect it. (cf. Acts 1:10-11) The Thessalonians had become confused and some were genuinely worried that those who had died would somehow miss the triumphant return of the Savior. Paul squashed that notion quickly. Why? Because hope is important and our hope is built on the fact that what Jesus promised us will indeed come to pass. In effect Jesus had taught his first followers that although he was leaving for a time, he would be back to get them. All of them. He won’t miss one. Not one.

Paul ends the passage, having assured his readers/hearers that the Lord’s care included his return and in the gathering of saints the living would be translated following on the heels of the dead being raised. It will be seen. It will be heralded by a great trumpet blast. And no one will have any doubt that things are about to change drastically. In fact, they may not even have time to consider it. But the final word here from Paul is, “Therefore encourage one another with these words” (4:13b). I want to use these words in that way as well. Be encouraged. Jesus knows you and he cannot bear the thought of living out eternity without you at his side. Look up. Our full redemption draws near. God be praised!


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