Happy Family

Posted by Craig Britton on

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Psalm, Psalm 128                          

Psalm 128

The psalms of ascent were sung by Israel as they went to festival in the city of the Great King. Most of them are brief, many are celebratory, and all lift the eyes of the pilgrim to their great God and Redeemer. Our psalm for the week celebrates the presence of the Lord in the home with blessings spoken upon all who fear the LORD, to wives, children and the regular gathering of all around the table. One can only think of the weekly sabbath celebrations under the Old Covenant.

This particular psalm ends thus: “Peace be upon Israel!” That wholeness. That fullness of God’s life, may it rest upon those who are His. Whether you’re a married couple, new or old, a family with children in the home, a sanctified single or widow or widower, know that this blessing is for you and our Lord wants you to live under its strength all the days He gives you. Amen!


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