Great is the Glory

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Psalm 138                                

Psalm 138

Idolatry. It is the sin of our age. It is probably the sin of every age and it is rooted in self and pride and really, self-deification. I know. This doesn’t bode well for a more light-hearted mid-week devotion. But I believe the Psalm for the week really points to a reckoning of sorts. And that is that at some time in the future, “All the kings of the earth shall give you thanks, O LORD, for they have heard the words of your mouth” (v.4).

Two things. First, there will come an acknowledgment of the greatness of the God of the Bible, the only true and living God. And second, that acknowledgment will come primarily because “they have heard the words of your mouth.” God is a speaking God. The Bible makes that more than clear. But speaking doesn’t guarantee that others are listening. But oh, there will be a day when his word will no longer be pushed away and denied. You know, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. That day is coming. I pray it is soon.

The mercy and forgiveness offered the world by the Father’s Son is his glory. May eyes and hearts be opened, may mankind put away its playthings and may they embrace, and be embraced by the love of the only God. Amen!


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