God and Gathering

Posted by Craig Britton on with 1 Comments

Advent 1: Epistle, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13                               

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

On this particular Thursday in this year on the calendar, Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving Day. Well, I would think the great majority are. And one thing that marks the Thanksgiving holiday for many is the gathering of friends and family. The Thanksgiving table is generally the hallmark of the day, followed by football, naps and perhaps an evening turkey sandwich with some leftover trimmings. Such is the Norman Rockwell portrayal and it is something to be treasured. At least to my way of thinking.

Back to “gathering.” God loves to gather. Whether that is the literal bringing together of people, or the transformation of heart we experience by grace so that we love our neighbor. Or perhaps it is gathering the saints together as receivers of the blessing of prayer, God loves to gather His people. In our epistle reading this week St. Paul leaves his readers in the city of Thessalonica with a blessing that does all the above work. He lets the saints there in on the plans he has to visit them soon. He prays that they would love one another more deeply and he asks God to make them all more like Jesus, who is always the focus of Christian prayer.

In these five short verses, the great apostle excites the hearts of his hearers as he puts the activity of God on display, reminding them that His activity is for their benefit and on their behalf. It always is. But once in a while it is great to see it in print and then to revisit that spot in our Bibles regularly. He begins with, “For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you …” (v. 9).

Thanksgiving indeed. Here in this letter it is Paul’s thanksgiving to God which brings about the gathering. On this day perhaps your thanksgiving is heard and shared in a similar way. I pray it is. 

Blessed Thanksgiving!


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Tony Farley Nov 25, 2021 9:55am

Thanks, Craig, for this great devotional.
As America sits in a time where groups are trying to “cancel” celebrations that we have for being in a country that is free, the one thing they can’t cancel is God’s word and His promises. I am grateful for my family and country and for having the God that we have!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! And, may we never stop celebrating what we have in the greatest country in the world!
