Getting a Point Across

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 23: Epistle, Hebrews 3:12-19                                 

Hebrews 3:12-19

God is never afraid of repetition. He is a good teacher; the best teacher. And any teacher worth their salt will let you know that repetition, even to the point of rote memorization can be very effective in the classroom. By the way, it's good for us to remember who have been outside the classroom for a while, too. So the writer of our epistle for the week cites the same Psalm three times in just a couple chapters. So the jig is up. We need to pay attention.

Hebrews is a great treatise on the methods God uses to bring us to understanding about, and the embracing of His Son. Hebrews spells out, in no uncertain terms, the supremacy of Jesus as the ultimate in His methods. Supreme over the Law, angels, the tabernacle/temple, and even Moses. For a faithful Old Covenant Hebrew, that was saying something. And it was something to hear from anyone who was serious about following God’s way to that point.

Hebrews’ author cites a passage from the psalter which reminds God’s people that He is their shepherd and to heed His voice is supremely important. “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion” (Psalm 95:7-8). And it is that passage that is repeated. Thrice. So what is our Lord getting at? It’s tough to swallow, but we are adept at turning away from our Shepherd. And specifically, in turning away from the place where we “hear his voice.”

Why is that?


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