Full Reach

Posted by Craig Britton on

Third Sunday after Epiphany: Gospel, Luke 4:16-30                 

Luke 4:16-30

Is there anyone that you hope doesn’t hear the message of Jesus? I know. It’s a bit of a strange question for the beginning of a devotion written from a gospel text. But it’s an important question to think about. You see, when Jesus came on the scene of our world, His message was a radical one. For several reasons. But to the Jewish people of Jesus’ day, perhaps the most disturbing element of the Messiah’s proclamation was this: the Messiah was for all people.

As Jesus stood in the synagogue in Luke 4, he quoted from dear old Isaiah. He spoke of bringing release to those in bondage, of bringing good news to the poor, sight to blind eyes and freedom from oppression. Anyone who we know in any of those conditions would be indeed blessed to hear of their end. And we who know them should rejoice at the possibility. But you see, many who heard the words of the Savior that day did not appreciate his examples from history. Why? Because they pointed to the blessing of God coming upon those outside their group, their family, their nation.

Oh it’s easy to want new sheep in the fold who come from our stock. It is pleasant to welcome those who look like us, are educated like we are and who eat in the same restaurants. But when the door of God’s abundant grace swings open to “unfamiliar faces and places” well that can be a bit challenging.

The crowds wanted the Messiah, their Messiah dead after hearing His words. They ganged up on Him and tried to force Him over a cliff. I’m so glad for the final line of our passage: “But passing through their midst, He went His way” (Luke 4:30). He went His way for He is not bound by what binds us. And the freedom that marks His divine life, He freely gives away. To everyone.


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