Full of the Holy Spirit...Literally
Pentecost: Epistle Reading, Romans 8:12-17
All Holy Scripture is inspired. All of it, every jot and tittle is the out-breathing of God. I believe that. Every Lutheran should. And the source of that inspiration? The Holy Spirit. Not a difficult question to answer to be sure. But Romans chapter 8 is literally “full of the Holy Spirit.” I mean the actual chapter itself.
So today, a little different approach to one of our devotional excursions. Our reading for Sunday from Romans chapter 8 deals with being adopted into God’s “forever family” as a son or daughter who can now, and who should come to the Heavenly Father in the most tender of terms. Paul specifies the use of “Abba” of “daddy.” It seems almost too familiar but that is the Word of God. Always a reverent address to be sure, but tender nonetheless.
Now here’s the task for this reading. Allow yourself the treasured time of reading through Romans chapter 8 perhaps two or three times before worship this Pentecost Sunday and mark in your Bible or perhaps on a separate piece of paper, first all the verses that mention the Holy Spirit or “Spirit” in reference to God. Then take some time and begin to digest (because it takes a lifetime) all those things the Spirit has done or is doing in your life right now. Write those down too, as best you can. It will cause true rejoicing. I’d bet on that. And I’m not much of a gambler.
Remember as well from verse 16 that it is the Holy Spirit Himself who bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. That’s having that good news brought to us on the best authority.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Rejoice and Enjoy!