Follow the Script

Posted by Craig Britton on

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, Ephesians 3:1-14

Ephesians 3:1-14

Pray the prayers of Scripture. If anyone were to ask me the best way to enhance one’s prayer life, that would be my answer. I grew up in a Christian culture that looked down on the praying of written prayers. Spontaneity equals high spirituality. That’s basically what I learned, whether or not it was stated in so many words. No, the praying of words written by someone else could never achieve grabbing the ear of God. Then I started praying the psalms, then the Lord’s Prayer daily, and then the other prayers of the Bible. I have learned over time that perhaps the best way of grabbing God’s ear is praying His Word back to Him. It shows Him that you are paying attention and it breeds a genuine humility that, more often than not I don’t even have the words to pray. 

 I now own several prayer books, a copy of the Psalter (just psalms), and the prayers in my Bible lead the way in passages that are well worn and well marked. All that to say that while I do pray from the heart at times (known as ex corde prayer), I also have learned to trust the Biblical authors and other believers through the centuries. I read and listen to their hearts before the Lord. I’ve learned we have much in common. And it helps my prayers.

Read, re-read, and PRAY this week’s reading above. Perhaps it will be the beginning of new and blessed vistas opening before you as you seek our Lord. God be praised!


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