Father Focus

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 5: Gospel, John 14:1-14

Oh holy night. Not the evening of Christ’s birth, but the night of His New Covenant gift. A new Passover where our Lord Himself is the Passover, the Pascha as our Greek brothers call Him. John 14 puts us in the center of a discourse Jesus gives to His disciples on the eve of His “exodus.” John, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, brings us into a privileged arena and if we take the time to read the entire section, (John 13-17) we will certainly be blessed each time we read.

John 14 begins on the heels of Peter speaking to the Savior of his own willingness to defend his Lord to the end. Jesus sets things straight by explaining to Peter not only will he not die for His Lord as intended, but rather will deny him and that three times. Jesus goes on to comfort Peter and the others by encouraging them with, “Let not your hearts be troubled …” (14:1a). And the great basis of this comfort is Jesus' rather lengthy comments centered on His Father. The Father has “rooms” in His house for you. Permanent rooms. Jesus Himself is tagged with the design and delivery of the Father’s children into that abode. The disciples are no doubt bewildered and Thomas speaks up to let the Savior know that they don’t know the destination and the very way is unclear to them. This is the context in which our Lord speaks, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (v. 6). My how we love to quote that verse to defend the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus alone. And we should love that verse. But …

In Jesus’ mind the goal is the issue. And the goal is His Father. “No one comes to the FATHER except through me,” says our Lord. Jesus is the way to the Glorious One. Jesus is the way to the One who has begotten Him from eternity and He can hardly wait for them (us) to meet Him. After all He is the Father of Jesus and of us all. The reunion will be extraordinary. Jesus has a grueling path to walk before it can all begin, but the end is certain. You’re invited. I’m invited. Who will we take along with us?



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