
Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 12: First Reading, Genesis 9:8-17                                 

Genesis 9:8-17

God is always faithful. That’s a given. And the Scriptures of the Christian Church consistently bring forward that marvelous message. Our readings this week all point in large scope to that truth. The covenant that our God makes with his servant, Noah, points to that in no uncertain terms. And the sign of that faithfulness to Noah, his family, and to us all is the rainbow. The rainbow appears again in God’s throne room as adornment for the seat of God (Revelation 4:3). And writers and worshipers through the ages have seen that marvelous symbol pointing to the endless faithfulness of our God.

Our first reading is dead-center in the account of Noah and his family. Perhaps the most important declaration regarding the promise signed by the rainbow comes in verse 8: “Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, ‘Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth’” (Genesis 9:8). God speaks first. He establishes the covenant. He is the faithful One. And were it different, that is, if man had spoken first … well we all know where that covenant would have ended up. Where everything else does when man finds himself taking an independent lead: in the garbage heap.

This is a BIG promise. It extends not just to humankind, but to all creatures of our God and King. And the rainbow is a fitting sign of God’s promise for the text declares, “When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant …” (9:14-15a). May I ask, seen by whom? If God is the one remembering, He must also be watching. So the bow is set in the heavens as much for Him as it is for us. And although God doesn’t forget anything from a human perspective, the powerful point remains this: someplace in our history, with real people and for real comfort, God made Noah a promise. 

God sees the rainbow, remembers His promise, and blesses the hearts of His people teaching them when God acts to save and sustain, He never fails. So someday in the ages to come, when we gaze at our God upon His throne, there the rainbow will be. His promises will have been fulfilled in and through His Son, the colors of His faithfulness ever before us.

We pray: Faithful You are, our Lord and King, Your promises fulfilled to us You bring. Amen!


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