Clothed In The Son
Circumcision and Name of Jesus: Epistle, Galatians 3:23-29
Galatians 3:23-29
Galatians was the jewel of the New Testament in the eyes and heart of Dr. Martin Luther. In Paul’s short epistle, Luther experienced the breaking of the chains of the demands of the Law, not because the Law was no longer necessary, but because the Law was seen in its proper place. “The law was our tutor to bring us to Christ” (3:24). The Law of God brings us the knowledge that we cannot keep it. And so we need a Savior. From sin. Because not keeping the Law of God is sin. Period.
The gift of the Son born in Bethlehem is that in His coming and the proclamation of that event is the answer to our race's greatest need. Forgiveness of sin. Faith in Christ. Baptized into Christ. “Wearing Christ.” It’s all there in Galatians.
Merry Christmas!