Clear Sight

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 8:26-39                                  

Luke 8:26-39

Have you ever wondered how it is that demons in the Bible know, with complete certainty, the identity of Jesus, while humanity trips, stumbles and falters in coming to the right conclusion? We have that example laid out plainly for us in this week’s gospel. I know it sounds so backward, but I almost want to cheer when the demon-possessed man in Luke 8 says “What do I have to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God” (v. 28b)? 

Isn’t that strange. This poor, oppressed man is filled with those most foul and they need no proof, no apologetics to confirm the identity of the Nazarene Carpenter. Not at all. They recognize both His person and His power. And they fear it, for it is power connected with the righteousness of a holy God.

And let’s be quick to admit, it isn’t just those outside the “family of God” that trip up over Jesus’ identity. Sometimes baptized and forgiven children of the Heavenly Father struggle to see with unhindered vision what is so well-known to those who live in the dark. Perhaps, just perhaps it may be because we kid ourselves that we have escaped all the darkness. We haven’t. While we have been rescued from its effects, we are still surrounded by it. When we deceive ourselves, perhaps we hinder the full light of Jesus from shining in its strength into our minds and hearts.

Jesus, Son of the Most High God. This is the truth. For everyone. Lord, open our eyes.


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