
Posted by Craig Britton on

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany: Gospel, Luke 6:17-26          

Luke 6:17-26

We have a bit of a “twin birth” in our gospel reading. Not identical perhaps, but close. The text we encounter today has been dubbed Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain,” to be set side by side with the more famous “Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew. Many similarities, although Luke adds a series of “woes” to counter the “blessed” statements from the beatitudes.

But there is a small statement before we get to that more famous section. Luke has described the crowds coming from all around. That is Luke at his best reminding us that the Messiah has come to create an entirely new race. But hearing Jesus and being helped by his miraculous power is the draw. And come they do. “And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all” (Luke 6:19). Read it again. “ … the whole multitude sought to touch Him.” That means one thing: the people saw Jesus as accessible. Think about that for a moment. We all love Advent and Christmas because of the reminders that God has indeed taken on our flesh and come near.  But here we see it within arm’s length.

And the grand truth for you and me today, even as we share these thoughts, is that Jesus is every bit as accessible to us. Right now. Would you hear his voice? Open your Bible and read. Would be helped by his miraculous touch? Feed on his body and blood and trust the words contained therein. Love your neighbor and receive love given. Forgive, remembering you have been forgiven. That’s access. It never ends. May we seek this day to touch the Savior. He is near.


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