A Word and A Touch

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany: Old Testament, Jeremiah 1:4-10            

Jeremiah 1:4-10

I remember having a very difficult first-grade year. Very honestly, my teacher wasn’t very kind. And I sincerely believe she didn’t like me much. Every exchange was cross on her part. I was made an example before my peers. And I ended up not wanting to go to school. In fact, I ended up in the hospital for tests because my stomach was not doing well.

I also remember words that came from my mom. Tender, encouraging and true words. Those helped. But then came the touch. No one hugs like moms. So the words plus the hugs sent me out the door, and eventually to a new classroom because my folks were so dialed in. What great parents I had growing up.

Today’s reading highlights a parent sending a rather young and inexperienced prophet into a world that wasn’t very kind. The world, God knew, would not like young Jeremiah much and usually their exchanges with him were cross. But God’s agenda for this young prophet was settled, “‘Whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the LORD’” (Jeremiah 1:8). And immediately following, “Then the LORD put out his hand and touched my mouth” (v. 9a). 

Granted, it wasn’t a mom’s hug, but the touching of the mouth in Scripture usually carries the sense of tenderness. So God touched Jeremiah’s mouth which was now filled with God’s words. And the marvelous thing throughout Jeremiah’s ministry is that he so allowed God’s words to fill him, that you often cannot tell when Jeremiah speaks or when His Lord is declaring His will. Marvelous, indeed.

We have that same Word and the touch of the very body and blood of the Savior has crossed our lips. He makes us ready for every step, every day. Until “class is dismissed,” and He leads us home.


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