A Question with an Answer

Posted by Craig Britton on

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Genesis 18:1-14                             

Genesis 18:1-14

When God shows up there are usually questions that follow. Some are posed by those with whom the Lord deals and some are posed by the Lord Himself. Such is the case in our text this week. God has made some amazing promises to Abram (now Abraham) and has in fact “led” His friend by those promises. God’s Word is full of divine promises and following their track and learning to trust the God who gives them is the only sure method of navigating life.

But promises pose their own questions and here in Genesis 18 we have God clarifying the promise that will give rise to a whole new family, nation, and people. Some of God’s promises are so grand that we, of course, have real trouble grappling with them let alone believing them. Here God promises pregnancy to a woman well beyond the normal scope of childbearing. “I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and lo, Sarah they wife shall have a son” (Gen. 18:10). God sees Sarah as He voices the promise and we know, as He does, that she laughs at the prospect.

God’s answer in the form of a question is shattering to any vestige of unbelief; in this instance and any other, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (18:14a). How you and I answer that question (and the grappling beforehand) will say a lot about where we stand in our maturity, or even our belonging. God has done marvelous things for many. But none so difficult as saving sinners and declaring them righteous in His sight. He gave all, spent all, invested all.

Sarah….breathe easy. A baby? Piece of cake.


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