A Prophet, A Burp, and the Goodness of God

Posted by Craig Britton on with 1 Comments

Epiphany 3: Old Testament, Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

How often does one get to write about the result of a fish’s indigestion? Before I say that it is probably good that it is a rare occurrence, I have to step back and take in the fact that the issue is apparently important to Almighty God. Think of it! More accurately, we should upon the reading of our Old Testament text realize just how much God loves people. And God loves all people. Even, and perhaps for our benefit, those we don’t even like. Yes, he loves them all.

The prophet Jonah, his mission, his refusal and his relenting highlights for us that God is in the business of getting his message across and he will go to somewhat bizarre extremes to do so. God be praised!

By the time we take up Jonah chapter 3 he has been through the first command of God to go to Nineveh, (the city Jonah despises), the “casting overboard,” the “rescue” and the burp. Now the Lord speaks to Jonah a second time, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you” (3:2). This time Jonah goes. Wouldn’t you? I mean, if on the first refusal God allowed me to bathe in fish bile, what might He do if I say no again? So, this time Jonah heads to the city filled with people he just as soon would see dead and gone. And he carries with him the only message that can save them. Realize what I just wrote-it is a MESSAGE that can save them. A Word. THE WORD. God treasures His own Word and treasures all of us enough to make certain we hear it. Astounding.

So Jonah goes and preaches to a city, that to be sure, deserved all Jonah wanted it to receive and whatever God could dish out. These were not nice people. But … God loved them. And in the message of deliverance to be carried by an unwilling prophet, I believe God wanted Jonah to learn to love them, too. Alas, we don’t come upon that change of heart, at least in the account as far as it goes. But what do we have? We have a marvelous example of the work of Law and Gospel. Some eight centuries before the first advent of the Savior who created Jonah, the Ninevites and the great fish, Jonah carries the eternal message of the certainty of judgement for those unrepentant and grace for those who receive the message and turn, even to the cattle!!! (4:11). How great the love and mercy of Jonah’s God. Nineveh spared, at least for a season. The fish’s digestion cleared up. Then there’s the prophet.

But I’m encouraged. Dr. Mitchell used to say, “God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.” Jonah is just such a stick. But then so am I. Perhaps God will send you and me with his message today. And we’ll have lessons to learn. Just like Jonah.


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Peggy Bennitt Jan 19, 2021 2:40pm

Well done! I always enjoy your studies, Craig. Finally decided to sign-up and leave a comment. COVID has provided some wonderful opportunities for outreach and learning, don't you think? God works in mysterious ways. Thanks!
