A Fruitful Wait

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 7: First Reading, Acts 1:12-26                                         

Acts 1:12-26

Near the close of Luke’s gospel Jesus gives instructions to his band of close followers telling them not to venture out on their gospel mission UNTIL they have received the empowering, promised Holy Spirit. Our first reading this week finds them waiting. And I wonder what the conversations were like. Jesus had died and been raised. Jesus had entered heaven’s court once more and his dear companions were staying put and trusting the word of their Master.

Empowerment was on its way, but there was another task to take care of even prior to the coming of the Spirit. We know there was a vacancy left by the scoundrel Judas Iscariot-at least that is what this text makes clear. Perhaps they and we as we read, didn’t realize at first that the vacancy would need filling. But God thought so.

So when Peter stood to address his colleagues he put forth by inspiration, the task before them. “We must have a twelfth man,” Peter said in effect and so the gathered church in the Upper Room prayed and cast lots. The lot fell to one of two. His name was Matthias and the most important thing about him was that he was God’s choice. God knew Judas. God knew what Judas would do. And God knew he would need to replace him. We don’t know much about the new apostle and we don’t really hear anything from him from following the point of his “election.”

What we know is that God knew the man. Perhaps in waiting for the power from heaven, it was the time to fill a vacancy which would now be an additional vehicle for that power. We know it was God’s plan. A faithful God. A new faithful apostle. And power from heaven. All of this made the wait worthwhile.


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