A Bit of a Surprise

Posted by Craig Britton on

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Mark 10:2-16                     

Mark 10:2-16

Last night was one of those “aha” moments reading the Bible. Looking over the gospel text for the week, I honestly noticed for the first time that Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce immediately precedes Jesus blessing the children. HELLO! Yes, the paragraphs are set apart and there is an editor's “heading” at each (one of the banes of modern Bibles). 

What struck me most is that Jesus is blessing children on the heels of speaking of the relationship that has the most to do with that very task. Now, I want to be careful that I don’t imply that children cannot be blessed with faithful parents when there has been a family split. But the very fact that Jesus addresses His plan for the marital union and then brings children to the forefront is simply stunning. I was reminded this morning that in the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi is speaking the word of the LORD when he says, “I hate divorce.” And the primary reason given is this: God wants and expects godly offspring from those whom He has gifted with marriage. It’s not a one-to-one corollary. We all know that. The wheels of family machinery get clogged and broken at times. And our Lord is always and ever the King of mercy.

But if you are a parent, and no matter the ages of your children, bless them today. Thank the Lord for your spouse if you have one. And if death or divorce has “realigned” your life, thank Him for what you have had and look to Him and to His Word for all that you need today. He is faithful. He always is. And that is no surprise.


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